How Could I Forget This???

17 days ago, January 1st, was my Blogaversary(did I spell that right?). How could I forget that??? I started my blog exactly on New Years, I couldn't even remember that!! I must be completely out of it. I also did not have Internet access on New Years, since I was stuck at home and it was messed up. At this moment I don't know if I'm going to do anything for my blogaversary. I just remembered it yesterday. I can only really blame this on myself. I just thought that I would post this and tell you that I may do some giveaway or contest similar to the first one I did. If you weren't following me then, it was a Fantasy Character Cast contest, where I asked you to come up with your dream cast for the book I chose if it were turned into a movie. I may do something like that again, but I will probably chose a book that I think a lot of people have read. Just keep a look out for that and my upcoming reviews.


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